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Shoei Neotec 3 Grasp TC-1
Seamless face cover    無縫揭面式設計
•Longer Internal sun visor    加長內置茶鏡
•Improved noise reduction  加強靜音

Shoei Neotec 3 Grasp TC-5
Seamless face cover    無縫揭面式設計
•Longer Internal sun visor    加長內置茶鏡
•Improved noise reduction  加強靜音

Shoei J-Force 4 - M.Anthracite
Light and compact design    輕巧設計
Improved ventilation    改良通風系統
Removable liner    可全拆內綿

Shoei J-Force 4 - Garnet Metallic
Light and compact design    輕巧設計
Improved ventilation    改良通風系統
Removable liner    可全拆內綿

Shoei Hornet-ADV Invigorate TC-5
Quick release face shield   快拆面鏡
Improved ventilation   加強通風
Removable liner  可全拆內綿

Shoei Hornet-ADV Invigorate TC-7
Quick release face shield   快拆面鏡
Improved ventilation   加強通風
Removable liner  可全拆內綿

Shoei EX-ZERO Matt Laguna Blue
Retractable face shield 可伸縮內鏡
•Removable liner    可全拆內綿
Attractive retro styling 時尚復古設計

Shoei Glamster MM93 Classic TC-1
Vintage look with modern features  
Removable liner   可全拆內綿

Shoei X-15 MM93 Thai TC-2 
•Advanced aerodynamic design 嶄新流線設計
•Sports-optimized ventilation 頂級通風系統
•Improved upper field vision 加強週邊視野
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